
Warrior on the Edge of Time

United Artists UAG 29766

Original UK 1975
[UAG 29766 original labels]

Label information

The original pressings have the wording "Manufactured in England. A Product of Liberty-United Artists Records Ltd" at the end of the copyright notice.

Repress UK 1977
[UAG 29766 repress labels]
Label information

The 1977 repress has the wording changed to "Manufactured in England. A Product of United Artists Records Ltd" at the end of the copyright notice and the inclusion of the registered trademark symbol.
There are two different sleeves for this repress. The original foldout shield design with picture inner and a single sleeve style without the picture inner.

Repress UK 1979
[UAG 29766 repress labels]
Label information

The 1979 repress has the wording changed to "Manufactured in England. A Product of Liberty-United Artists Records (UK) Ltd" at the end of the copyright notice.
Only released in single sleeve style but with the picture inner sleeve.

Repress UK 1981
[UAG 29766 repress labels]
Label information

The 1981 repress saw the label design change to Liberty with the wording changed to "Manufactured in the UK by EMI Records Limited." at the end of the copyright notice.
Only released in single sleeve style without the picture inner sleeve.

uag29766.html -- Revised: 12th December 1998